Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flipped Classroom

Eric put me on to this. I love it. It is exactly what I've been thinking about. My idea for more digital labs is a perfect start.


  1. I had a colleague try this one semester with his 9th grade Biology classes. He really liked the idea of being able to spend his classtime focusing his energy on students who needed it most. It also allowed him to differentiate for the higher level learners. He was a bit stymied by the lack of technology access the students had outside of school, so he always had the option of letting kids sit on a computer in class with headphones and watching the lectures.

    If this is something you want to try, I came across this site that I am going to blog about, but it might be an easier way to create videos:

    This is a braver leap than I am ready to make this year, but maybe in the next few! Good luck with it.


  2. Fantastic articles... thank you for sharing! I am looking at trying to flip my class for at least one subject this year. The most difficult part for me will be creating the videos and stuff for my students along with taking care of a new baby at home! Thanks for the links!
