Sunday, July 31, 2011

Final Thoughts

While I have been exposed to a lot of possibilities, I think I'm still going to stick with the original five points I posted.

1. The technology has to be low threshold, high ceiling.
2. It has to provide a way to do new things in new ways.
3. It should support best practice & pedagogical strategy.
4. It should help teach the 21st-century skills outlined in "A New Challenge." I think it's a solid list.
5. It would be nice if helped support student participation and interest.

Between this class and ChemEd, I just cam back Thursday, I learned the following--we(teachers) are all in the same boat. A small fragile boat adrift in a raging sea of technological possibilities. But we are in a boat, which is a start. It seems that everyone I talk to is dealing with the same issues and trepidations.

I think the only thing we can do, myself included, is to select one or two possibilities and run them. See what happens, learn and adapt.

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